July 2022
Statista is the company behind www.statista.com, one of the world’s leading statistics portals. Customers such as Google, Bloomberg, Forbes, Procter & Gamble, or Porsche trust their high-quality market research, data intelligence, and content marketing services. Statista draws its great innovative power from its internationality and diversity with 550 employees from more than 45 nations and offices in Hamburg, New York, London, and Paris. They have been awarded multiple-times as a leading innovative and digital company.
We partnered up with Statista two years ago, so you will be able to get a Premium Account for your Junior Enterprise or National Confederation for 1 year for free!
Statista is hoping through this step to convince you and your university of their service and, hence, have the universities subscribing to Statista for you after your 1 year free trial. So, if you have not done so yet, but would like to test out Statista, you can get a Premium account for your JE to use by following these steps:
With these credentials you then have 1 year of all Premium features on Statista and after that year you would need to ask your university to create an account for you if the value is big enough for you and your university to make this happen.
If you have any questions or problems getting your account, please send them to privatecooperation@juniorenterprises.eu.