Create a new Junior Enterprise from scratch or find and convert JE-similar structures, as a student, Junior Entrepreneur or Junior Enterprise.
Tell us about your plans and we'll help you start a new Junior Enterprise in Europe.
We are here to help you with regular follow-ups, materials and mentoring.
A study from the European Commission shows that Junior Entrepreneurs have up to 20 percentage points higher employability and twice the propensity to create their own business. Compared to other academic opportunities, the JE concept gives ownership and responsibilities to the students for managing a company-similar structure, which takes their personal and professional development to a higher level. Junior Entrepreneurs have access to an international network of exceptional students, with an entrepreneurial mindset and a collaborative spirit — and is not easy to find in other initiatives to foster employability.
It really depends on the motivation of the students. Completing the Maturity Model should can take between 6 months to an academic year
Our steps in the maturity model give you some clues to find the first project. The easiest way is through your personal network or through your professors. Yes, you will need at least a project, so you can prove your viability as Junior Enterprise.
Fill in the form above. We'll schedule a call to start your project.
Drop us a line at
Work with us
JEE is the umbrella organisation that represents, integrates and supports the European Network of Junior Enterprises.